
Demons (1985)

After swearing for months that I would never be swindled into giving my money to another streaming service, I signed up for Shudder. After mindlessly scrolling through the catalog for two days, I decided to


The Open House (2018)

This review contains spoilers.  When it was announced, what seems like an eternity ago, that the streaming giant Netflix would be more focused on producing original content, I was skeptical and a bit disappointed that


Insidious (2010)

I just finished watching Insidious for the first time since its opening night in 2011. This time around—sitting on my couch with my pup instead of in a mildly uncomfortable theater filled with raucous teens—I


Life (2017)

Being what it is, you could easily say that Daniel Espinosa’s Life is derivative of Ridley Scott’s Alien, and you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong there. But I’d like to say that it plays more like