Underwater (2020)
If you can get past the fact that it’s an “Alien” ripoff that’ll never actually be “Alien,” you’ll probably find this year’s “Underwater” pretty watchable. ⤇
If you can get past the fact that it’s an “Alien” ripoff that’ll never actually be “Alien,” you’ll probably find this year’s “Underwater” pretty watchable. ⤇
From creepy, 1800s-era adaptations to big-budget “Halloween” sequels and another season of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs, we’re checking the most exciting horror coming out this year. ⤇
The Grudge (2020) is a really solid, definitely unnecessary remake of a movie that wasn’t very good in the first place from a time not yet long enough ago for anyone to remember fondly. ⤇
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