About Eric Slager
87 Articles
After a casual viewing of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead trilogy, Eric was instantly and hopelessly hooked on horror, forever doomed to chase the high of seeing Ash slay deadites for the very first time.
About Mike Cramer
64 Articles
Michael Cramer is an ambitious 20-something go-getter who is always looking for his next step up the corporate ladder. Nah, he's just a guy who loves horror movies and wants others to hear his opinions like "that movie was great" and "that could have been better".
About Carly Smith
61 Articles
Carly is an unapologetically opinionated writer who enjoys long walks on the beach, gazing adoringly at breathtaking sunsets, and consuming all forms of unadulterated, stomach-churning, sweat-inducing horror — the bloodier the better. Hit her up on the Twitter she sometimes uses @snarlyjones.
About Kyle Liston
17 Articles
Kyle's first memory of a horror film was seeing Frankenstein when he was very young, since then he has enjoyed every other film in the genre. Most of the people he knows will not stay off their phones long enough to share his enjoyment of classic horror.
About Steven Lohmann
16 Articles
Steven J. Lohmann of Creepy Eye Productions has been a horror fan for 20 years now all starting with "Scream" and branching out from there. He is mainly a fan of 80s slasher films, but enjoys all things horror.
About James Amthor
14 Articles
James is the writer, director and producer behind PunGent Studios. Some of his favorite films include The Blob, Slither and Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer along with books like Geek Love, Diary and Bend Sinister.
About Wolfbane Blooms
12 Articles
Interested in submitting a review or editorial? Have a project to promote? Click on the 'About' page and send us a message, we’d love to hear from you!
About Luke Pajowski
10 Articles
Interested in submitting a review or editorial? Have a project to promote? Click on the 'About' page and send us a message, we’d love to hear from you!
About Jim Teggelaar
3 Articles
Interested in submitting a review or editorial? Have a project to promote? Click on the 'About' page and send us a message, we’d love to hear from you!
About Sawyer Hildebrandt
3 Articles
A .jpg of a beloved cartoon character with human mouths for eyes, screaming eternally. @hildesaw on twitter
About Jim Shady
2 Articles
Jim Shady is a Professor of English and Literature at a Big Name University. He's also a pop-culture fanatic, a thinker who philosophizes with a big, scary hammer, and a master of profane erudition. When they go low, he goes lower.